In a work in progress project, I designed an A0 sized popup dollhouse folio, fully working & animatronic for “de Bespaarbieb”.
De Bespaarbieb is a nonprofit organisation in Utrecht, providing information and products for sustainabal housing. Insolation solutions, solar panels, heatpumps, sunboilers and watersaving showerheads, LED lighting or saving appliances. The concept 3d design is the promotional dollhouse, fitted in a folio sized case, for easy travel. It is designed to be a fully working and animatronic dollhouse sized house.A landingpage will be made alongside to provide further explanation and the possibility to go over the information again in the comfort of your own home.With a rasberry pi to control everything, the final popup house will have working lighting and solar panels and a moving sun. Dollhouse furniture and energy or water saving appliances will be 3d printed and added to the house.